
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello. I am tried to create some trusses between two surfaces, but have encountered two problems. 

Problem 1. The contour method applied to both surfaces is the same, but i don't get the same results. (The bottom surface has less contour lines or larger gaps in some areas.)

Problem 2. I think that this is what is preventing the data from matching and creating the truss shape 

I have attached a .gh file for what I have done done so far. 

The geometry has been internalised.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Views: 375

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Firstly, because your data is not so good,(very bad actually)I had to modify your original data slightly.

New data was internalised and in general, when if you deal with contour or projected curves, it's better not to think that data matching is possible because the nature of the curves is not constant.


Thanks a million !!! So the box solves the problem.  I am still learning, but i will continue to practice and get more fluent. Thank you. 






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