
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Why is the default color for Selected objects the same as the Normal objects ?

I remember the happy days when selected objects turned green from the get-go...






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thanks that seems to have changed the colour in prefences, but then when i close the windows it just returns to red...


but i managed to change it manually with the colour slides when you right click the orb and thats done the trick for me


thanks again 


Just to make sure. Did you do both Default Template Materials and Document Materials.

I didint do document materials as on my preference screen it doesnt allow you to alter those at all...


i just had to adjust it with the sliders to make it stick but its working fine now


I had to change sliders too because the new colors would not stick for me either when I only dragged.  Sorry to leave out that important detail.



Interesting. I'll post this as a bug for David to see. I to changed them manually before I learnt that you could do the Dragging method (which obviously doesn't work as it should)






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