
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I originally tacked this on to the end of another thread but I think it got lost there at the bottom. 

It seems to me that the default behavior around trees and nulls is in general fairly counter-intuitive, especially with intersection components. I can't think of any situation where having the nulls in {A;B} and the successful intersections in {A;B;C} would be useful. I always end up having to resort to any number of weird tricks to get them to line back up. If I want the same definition to work with different inputs, where in some cases only valid intersections are produced, and in other cases certain intersections fail, I'd like to be able to count on the data trees being consistent, whether they contain nulls or not. It would make a lot more sense to me to have the results from an intersection always go to the same branch, whether or not the result is valid.

Here's a more concrete example. Say I have a definition with some curve intersections and I want to label the intersections of the curves. When all intersections occur, the labeling works fine, since the paths all match up. However when some intersections fail, everything goes haywire, and the data tree of the intersection results needs some major coercing + manipulation in order to get it to match the structure of the labels. 

Is there a reason why nulls get grouped in shorter branches, while successful results get separated into individual branches? My feeling is that the default behavior ought to be changed, but perhaps I'm missing a case where it would be beneficial. Also, I'd be very interested to hear clean workarounds for this type of case if anyone has them; I have a few of my own but they are pretty hack-ish and don't always work consistently.

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I think you have a good point. I too have wondered the same. Especially when Clean Tree will do the same job when you need to get rid of nulls and empty branches.

The fact that nulls and results end up in different path lengths is a bug. It's a biggie and I'm trying to fix it for 0.9


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

while we're on the topic of weird path behavior... offset puts curves with an offset of 0 in {A} and all others in {A;B}

Will Datatree behaviour be reworked in general?

There are other inconsistencies:

transforming  a empoty list will produce a null item

crafting a datatree with empty lists will erase the list with the path


Datatree a: {0;0}, {1;0}, {1;1}, ....

Datatree b: {1;0}, {1;1}, ....

Components will match 

a:{0;0} with b:{1;0}

a:{1;0} with b:{1;1}


Hi Richard,

I'm trying to rework the logic that invents new tree paths when a component operates on input that does not have identical data tree layout. It sounds like "transforming a[n] [empty] list will produce a null item" is a bug that may or may not already have been solved. Please post a file for me to test this.

There will be no change in 0.9.0001 concerning the order in which paths are combined. This is in fact not part of the work I've been doing, which focuses solely on how to label outputs, rather than how to decide which inputs belong together. This is something that needs a lot (and I do mean a lot) of thought because it's a wildly complex issue which nevertheless needs a relatively easy to use interface.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hallo David,

I can see that the matching needs a lot of thought, but at the moment it's simply not consistant throught Grasshopper which makes it especially hard to teach to students.

It would be nice to come up with some guidlines, how plugin developers should deal with this topic.

I made a little sample file demonstrating the issues that I am reffering to.

The idea is that a set of points gets sorted according to another set of predefined hights -> this might generate empty lists for certain hights...




Hopefully this is something that's already addressed by David's work on 0.9 - but in the meantime, here's a workaround that I've used successfully in the past. It works by forcing the addition of a null to the empty list, using a simple empty scripting component to generate a null item. 


Hi Richard,

what do you think should be the default behaviour in this case then:

DataTree a: {0;0}, {1;0}, {1;1}

DataTree b: {1;0}, {1;1}, {1;2}

Should I ignore all data inside a{0;0} and b{1;2} because they don't have a matching sibling in the opposite tree? What happens when no paths match up, for example when you have this:

DataTree a: {0;0}, {1;0}, {1;1}

DataTree b: {1;0}, {1;1}, {1;2}

DataTree c: {0}

We need to keep the number of times people have to use Simplify, Graft, Flatten or PathMapper to an absolute minimum and if I start discarding data because it is not formatted exactly right I fear that people will need to 'fix' their data more often than now.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia 

Hallo David,

As you said this is not so easy to answer.

One possability could be, to only match pathes with with same indicies. This would make the matching more logic, at least to me.

The question is how often the second example occurs? But here again:



This would also have some logic since c is a simple list, again at least for me.

But the problem only occurs because the different components handle datatrees differently as demonstrated in the provided sample. When there is an empty list in a datatree and I craft this datatree the empty list disappears. This is a problem because it makes it hard to keep two lists synchrone over many components. 

When there is an empty list in a datatree and I craft this datatree the empty list disappears.

I'm fixing this as we speak. 


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

[Thinking out loud (oh the pain)]

Data Structure should have precedents over Path Structure if there is a match.

For example:

10 Curves on 2 Branches {0;0;0;1;0}(N=5) {0;0;0;2;0}(N=5)

should match with

10 Curves on 2 Branches {9;0;0;0}(N=5) {10;0;0;0}(N=5)


Failing Data match Path Matching should be employed



I´d rather pre-use a replace branch in this case and have strict consistency in PathStructure. This way you could also match

DataTree a: {0;1} , {1;1}


DataTree b: {0;1;0}, {0;1;1},{1;1;5},{1;1;9}

and still get

DataTree c: {0;1;0}, {0;1;1},{1;1;5},{1;1;9}

because it would recognise b is a subbranch of a






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