
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone, 

I'm struggling for couple of days trying to resolve a data tree which looks quite simple. I've got 150 branches {0;1) values which are distributed unequally on two circles.  What I want to do is to have 2 branches (inside circle and outside circle) with 75 items on each; basically to move the items with 0 value from the inner circle switching with the corresponding 1 value from the outer circle. Please can anyone give me a solution for this?  

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Looks like all solution end up to the same point. Trying to understand the logic and I think I;ve got it but I'm fairly new in grasshopper and don;t know a lot of components. What I don;t understand is why it continues to have those branches there connected? Basically the initial tree was composed from 2 branches which had pair elements {0,1} - one from inner circle and second from outer. Even if I grafted and after I flatten it it wouldn;t give me what i want. I really don't get it. Please let me  know if I can do something. Thanks a lot. 


Can you post your definition and related geometry?  It's much easier to work with than screen shots. worked. Finally....thanks a lot man. I just copy/pasted your definition logic until the last branch of the tree and after that i reverse it. It;s quite a long definition in the end. I'm not sure if it is the most "correct" way but for the moment it's fine, i guess. Take a look and let me know if I can make it shorter. Thanks a lot again 


[Flip Matrix]

Its an old image but it illustrates in reverse what you need.

Thanks Danny. I was trying to do that but it didn't get me the right result. The problem is that some data from inner circle is still connected with the data from the outer circle because of the split list, i guess? 






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