
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all, I have attached my defintion.

I have a trapezoidal shaped deck that is to be split orthogonally. The longiudinal beam intersections with the skewed ends dictate the grillage spacing in the skeded ends.

The shape has been split into  3 sections, sketch attached.

I have 3 sets of data branches that I am trying to combine. Some of the sets branches double up, I have removed the first branch as that was the easiest to determine, there will always be a first branch.

Can I have some advice as how i can combine the 3 sets into one set. i thought I had it but can't seem to get what i am looking for from a merge.

Just to confuse you I have a rectangular grid that is the base grid for the points. The plan is to remove the additional points later.

thanks Kenyon

Views: 841


Replies to This Discussion

Hello Kenyon,

Cant look at your definition atm, but judging from your description this happens because branches with same paths are merged to the new tree.

if you are willing to use a plugin you can use stack trees component from treesloth plugin, to get what you are after, each tree after another. Otherwise you can use entwine with the graft right click option selected (uncheck flatten). Before that, it might prove useful to rename with path mapper the branches of each tree accordingly.



Thanks alex for your reply, I have trolled through a large number of responses and probably think that I cannot achieve what I am after.

The aim of the geometry is to generate a skewed slab that will have a variable grid. sects 1 and 3 are a function of the width of the skewed slab crucially I require points aloneg the edge to the slab which means that U and V maust be equal. For sect 2 I will require to vary this dependent upn the length of the skewed slab.

I am trying to retain the data structue in the form of {0;0;0}(N) to allow what i see as a more simpler line/grillage generation.

I have seen other posts that have attempted to address it, I'm sure there are other ways of doing this. i have included two VB scripts that are close but do provide what I am after.

All help appreciated. this is drving me mental.

rgds kenyon

Hopefyully my sketch will whet someones whistle, the points weer drawn by hand

I should point out that once I have achievd the data tree challenge the plan is to exclude the points on outside of the skewed slab, which i have solved.







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