
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to create tools like a data path slider and maybe a tool such as series but it literally generates a list of data paths, for use with components like tree branch, maybe allowing multiple branch inputs that can be easily defined rather than manual typing into the manager.

Views: 1914

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Hi Michael,


The Slider question can already be answered with native Grasshopper components. Use any number of sliders all plugged into a [Create Branch] component.


The path generator is something that has been in development for a while as part of a few other Path Tools (just need to find more free time). Attached is a ghuser component of a [VB.Script]. It produces a list of strings, similar to the output of a [Param Viewer]. You need to supply a seed string, either from a [Panel] or a [Create Branch] but it must be delineated by ";".

Note: The numbers you use in the Seed String are the total Limbs on a Branch. i.e. if you have 2 surfaces {0,1} divided into 4 corner points {0,1,2,3} which in turn have SDL curves divided into 3 points {0,1,2}. The last Branch would be {1;3;2}.


Hey thanks for the Ghuser and create branch suggestion, looks like you have some useful things in the future.







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