
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a grid of points [GRID_0] that have been moved upwards by a varying amount.

I can draw x-direction and y-direction interpolated curves through these points.

I want to draw IntCrvs through the grids of lines created by dividing lines between the original grid points and the same grid where z=0

Can someone explain how I can do this please?

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Different approach using tween, if it is the curves you need. There are plenty of ways, really depends how you need the data at the end. 

Thanks Michael, that is what I wanted but I still feel like I failed on data management and understanding again.

If I have a two dimensional tree of points in an xy grid and I wanted to end up with a 3 dimensional tree so I had a series of data for every point in the grid (for example) I always seem to end up with a 2 dimensional tree where the last branch is flattened into X * Y items.

I really struggle with understanding the data structure!

I suggest looking at tree sloth specifically the component flip last. It is a flip matrix type component specifically for this type of multi-dimensional tree flipping situation.


I tried to find tree sloth before but the link just takes you to a facebook page which is as good at sharing info as I am at data matching!

Does anyone know an actual link to the tree sloth GH file?

If not with tween or tree sloth I would probably go with something like this. 


I'll have a look at this in detail soon, thanks again for the help.

my def is attached. It's a wine rack! I want to remove material from the X and Y waffle sections by creating holes along the walls and ceilings that are formed by the waffle.


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