
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help ! I am trying to import the date to create some forms, somehow the data doesn't work in a group as the original tutorial did. I am wondering if there is any way to solve it .

Thanks !

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Not sure how it worked the first time but you shouldn't have " " just a space character

I followed the tutorial, but it seems that the grasshopper they were using was old version,not sure if that is related or not.

And it didn't create a surface somehow..


Rather than screen shots it would be easier to have a look at the definition. I suspect the Data Tree logic has changed on one of the components and is placing few points on a branch.

But I cannot be certain.

I see ! Here is the grasshopper definition.


close but no Cigar,

Can you Internalise the Data so that I can see what you see.

Right Click on S input of [Spit Text] and select "Internalise Data" then upload the file again please.

Sure ,there you go!


Somehow " " worked, and yes just a space is the right way.

According to the screenshot, by the way, it seems the items in the list become a multiline data. But I really don't know why it happened.






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