Trying to make a cutom VB tree with tree access inputs, i´m wondering which is the way to achieve the AppendElement functionallity shown in some other VB scripts here in the forum like this one:
(but instead of dealing with lists, trees are needed)
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal indexestoappend As List(Of Integer), ByVal items As List(Of Object), ByRef ctree As Object)
Dim tree As New DataTree(Of Object)
Dim path As New GH_Path
For i As Int32 = 0 To indexestoappend.Count - 1
'make path
path = path.AppendElement(indexestoappend(i))
'adding an element to a certain branch in the tree
tree.Add(items(i), path)
'deleting path information
path = path.CullElement()
ctree = tree
Thanks in advance