
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So, I’m like 2 days old in Grasshopper, taking it slowly and trying to understand the logic instead of just learning just how to use it. This might be REALLY simple to you tho.

So we did some training with our Professor to get a curved linde from just one reference point. I started all over at home just with the logic of it, and this is where i reached. The only change i made from what we learned is that in class we gave the even/odd values directly to the algorithm, instead i created a “cull” part of the algorithm which separates even and odd numbers itself, taking into consideration we will have a million points someday.

The only thing i can’t finish is the full curve in all points, starting in the 1st, ending in the last.

Can anyone tell me where i messed up?

Thank you.

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From what I can understand of the definition you're culling the last number from the "odds" but what about the first one? Wouldn't it be doubling up somewhere?

Your weave component, perhaps I'm a little behind but do you need a boolean there? Isn't it a little easier to use numerical inputs or to physically set the numbers?
And the last component is that generating one curve or two? You could potentially flatten the outlut from the final merge to see if that behaves more of the way you're looking for.

Also this effect can also be achieved by using a combination of the Range and Graph Mapper components. Or by performing a Sine operation on the X values of the points and using that as the Y. So maybe have a read about those.

And definitely get a hold of AAD by Tedeschi if you want to gain a proficiency with these tools.


Thanks for the reply Sash.

The idea is just exercising. The idea is to create a curve starting from 0 (0,0,0) ending at 7 (24,0,0). Just one curve. But the even numbers are moved in Positive Y and Odd in Negative Y. I took the entire list (besides the reference point 0,0,0) and split them into odd/even numbers, theb removed the last value because i want it’s Y value to be 0. But when i connect them that happens. 1 line, 1 curve.

The boolean is just a bit on the left f u can see.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks again.

It looks like you have two different data path inputs of your merge component.
You could use "Shift Path" to {0;0}path with shift count -1 before plugging it into merge.

I’ll have to try that later. I’ll tell u what happened. Thanks for the reply!






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