
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I feel like this must be an easy one, but still i dont seem to find a "general" solution to my problem... Also i am pretty sure i did this already ages ago as some basic grasshopper modelling... but ... well... 

I want to cull/remove/find smaller curves that are ON another curve.

In this basic example you can see my problem, i created 3 meshes (red,not selected) and have 3 closed curves "around" them (green, selected).... The aim is to get all curves of the mesh, except those that are on the outside curves....

I am pretty sure i once had a tool for the selection of different parts of meshes, this might help in this case, but i also seek for a simple solution to pick/chose these curves/lines that are on other curves/lines...


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Like you said if they are 3 separated meshes, then just use "Mesh Edges" component and take E2(Interior Edges).

Otherwise, find midpoints of the lines and then you can use "Curve Closest Pt" to filter out the edges on the outside curves.

Thank you, that was exactly what i used before i think...

I have no idea why i wasnt able to find that yesterday. Thanks for the fast help mate!






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