
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm very new to grasshopper and what I'm trying to solve is very basic, but pretty essential.

I have a array of points / circles based on a Range, and, from this list, I would like to cull / remove all points at the edges of the array. I guess I should use the index and "cull pattern" but this pattern depends on a variable ("B" in my definition). How can I use a variable in a cull pattern?


Views: 729

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I actually found a solution using indexes, removing each columns or ranges one by one but it's very complicated.

Try this. I'm sure there are a ton of ways to solve this problem, but this made the most sense to me.

Thank you! I got it, except: what is the "result" fonction you used?

Result function? You mean the "and gate"?

Yes ! ok thank you very much

Heres another way, Using formatting that can be better understood here..


It maybe even possible to reduce it to even fewer components still.

Question for David..

Using this formatting the TreeSplit Outputs Empty Branches and Null Values for all data thats in the other output to whats been selected much like the sift component.. this seems something, and is it ment to be happening or a Bug?


Hope this some help.








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