
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm trying to remove some curves of a certain size. I believe the first step is to list the collection of curves, then remove those which are between slider 1 and slider 2 size. However, I can't determine how to do this - should I use a cull component, evaluate, or other? Thanks for any help.

Views: 5350


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Smaller Than | Larger Than | AND | Cull Pattern

Unable to upload file so the picture will have to do

Are there good explanations for these "Gate" component?

I never really know when to use them and I feel they could be useful at times...

Google Boolean Gates for more info. Basically the logic going in is subject to the operator AND/OR/NOT etc and so you get the result shown in the tables below

True/False = 1/0

Thank you sir

what about with "includes" ?

There's more than one way to shave a grasshopper's legs.

Indeed, just wanted to make sure I understood the question correctly. I tend to use these components david packages because I can never remember gate logic without looking it up. (Saves gate chart ;) )






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