Like every thing in GH there is more than one approach to this
1) Cull Pattern component will allow you to do this. With a pattern of two booleans either False True or True False.
2) Cull Nth when set to 2 will cull every other integer so to get Odd Integers shift the list one place first.
You haven't got my point. My list is NOT listed odd - even-odd-even, so a cull pattern won't work, its just a list of numbers where I have odds and evens mixed up, and I want to cull only Odds.
May be I wasn't that clear, here is what I want to do:
I have a surface where I have openings on it using image mapper, creating 2000 different circles according to the image intensity, and I want to optimize that number a bit, so I rounded up the number to the nearest tenth, so I got 14 different values for all the circles, I need to cull the odd ones!, I need to cull to ODD ones only and give it the value of the closest even number for less opening sizes.
It will only work with whole numbers. I suggest multiplying by 10 before the Mod f(x) and then dividing after if you are looking for even and odd decimals. Sorry about confusion earlier i should r.t.f.q. better in future. There should be a user's experience level flag at the beginning of the post so that you know to look past the obvious :)
Just incase anyone else mentions it. You could also do 0.2 in the f(x) component but there does seem to be a rounding issue with this method so I still think the multiply by 10 option is more reliable.