
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

creating surface that connects two existing surfaces



I'm trying to create a surface/mesh between two existing surfaces in space (lying on a same plane).

Idealy, I would want to select two points from each surface and create the third surface using those 4 points. How would I do this? Or is there another way to create this third surface?

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cull out the 2 points from each surface, then use surface 4 point


Hey Michael,

how exactly do you cull out the 2 points???

Use cull index. Type the number of the point you want and input it into cull index. 2 points for each surface. So two culls pur surface. then use those points for a new surface.
Hi Niko, I tried something that just might work on your surfaces as well. If not, it might lead to sth else:) Might be a bit over-engineered. Still, hope this helps.






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