
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I would like to know how could we create a continuous pattern (such as diamond) on a poly-surface?


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Try this (Surface Morph):

1. Reference your pattern (curves or anything)

2. Reference your polysurface

3. Draw a box on top of the pattern

4. Plug everything into Surface Morph (right click input S -> reparametrize so you can use "0 to 1" as UVW)

yours is not a polysurface its just a surface. I think he means an actual polysurface, meaning it has facets.

Oh! Right. In that case I do not know. Thanks for pointing out.

It depends on the polysurface. Is in each part of the polysurface one (for example) diamond, or is the pattern not related to the polysurface faces? How does the polysurface look like, is it possible to rebuild it? or is it a free form surface?

Best Regards


It is a free form poly-surface which is built of several surfaces and  we can not rebuild it. And I want to have a pattern on all of surfaces together...

same question here


You can try to make mesh from polysurface and using a Starling ( would try to create your pattern....

hey thanks igor






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