
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,

I have been experimenting actually and still pretty new to GH so please guide me.

The above is the surface I created in Rhino. What I am trying to achieve is some kind of an automated code in GH that will help me create a pattern on the above surafce and other similar surfaces.

Now, I tried something and have achieved  the following,

As you can see, there is a hole in the surface but the pattern flows over it. 

What I want to achieve is,

As seen above,  the green highlights the single surface that I want to create. The hole has a scaled boundary and so does the rest of the surface giving the entire model a good visal appeal I think. The scaled boundaries and the pattern are woven together to form one single surface, to which a thickness can be added.  

My question is I do not know how to achieve the above, anyone has any suggestions please help? 

Thank You

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1. Rebuild surface

2. Grasshopper / lunchbox will treat your surfaces as untrimmed ones because it takes surface domain and divides it  no matter if there are holes or not.

Thus you will need cull faces polylines that are not on the surface, after division. And the Trim overlapping curves.

can you show me how?


I dont seem to understand as I fairly new, cull surface?

Hey, Gaurav Chauhan.

It's not difficult to get the pattern you want, but there's no general solution for applying a pattern to a trimmed surface that you create yourself. It might be always case by case.


Hey I just saw this, it works no doubt amazing, just had a question,

How do I locally define the starting surface like you have?

1, Type and run "CreateUVCrv" command in rhino command line.

2. Select your "Trimmed Surface" and Enter.

3 Create "Planar Surface" Using newly generated UV Curve and "Surface from Planar Curves" command in rhino.

Amazing, you seem like a master at GH. Thank You so much and I'll keep asking you many more questions I hope you dont mind?

Thank You

Hey man,

Thought I'd just ask, the following is a basic illustration from Autodesk 3dsMax that represents surface smooth.

Is there a way to achieve something like this GH? but maybe less surface distortion?

Thank You so muhc

I don't think that is called "Surface Smooth". Perhaps what you're talking about is "Mesh Subdivision". You need to clarify the use of the terminology.

Try to use 3dsMax you can do it well with, because "Subdivision Modeling" is not a GH specialty.

However, if you can prepare a topologically well-defined mesh, you can do it with a plug-in such as Weaverbird in GH, but it won't be easy to apply it to the edge thickning of your own custom trimmed surface.

You'll need Weaverbird and Mesh Edit plug-in to open the file.


I am sorry yeah thats exactly what I wanted. 

Just another quick question, I am trying to achieve a boolean something like this,

I have achieved this when the surface has no complications. However when the surface has the hole and when I use isotrim to control the boundary the hole dissappears, 

I have attached the code I am using,

Thank You so much

The Code, sorry


What you need to know is that the "trimmed surface" is a type of "Brep"(Boundary Representation) that is different from a single surface.

If a surface is trimmed, trimming curves lie on the underlying surface and the underlying surface may be larger than the trim curves, but you will not see the underlying surface

because Rhino does not draw the part of the surface that is outside the trim curves. Every trimmed surface retains information about its underlying surface geometry.

But unfortunately, Some Rhino commands work only with untrimmed surfaces(Single Surface) such as "Isotrim" like you did in GH.

This is one of the most recurrent questions for beginners on this forum so, please search for related discussions.







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