
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody,

me and my partner have stucked at some point with Kangaroo. We have a 2D mesh surface which we can control with Kangaroo but what we want is actually to bend (or to strech) our surface in order have the form given in the picture.

It would be really cool if you could help us,

thanks in advance,

Views: 724


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Onur,

Why do you want to use Kangaroo for this?

It doesn't look like a form-found shape, so it may be simpler to model it directly by moving the control points of a NURBS surface

Thank you for your answer DAniel. The reason is that we must create a structure system on the surface and because of this we will need to divide the surface into small pieces (like squares or even circles) we thought it would be easier with kangaroo.

I agree with Daniel, I'd start with a surface. It could be in Rhino or in Grasshopper, then divide it. The image looks like Voronoi and there are a lot of examples of doing this on a surface.

Thank you for the answer Damon we have already tried that but no matter what it cannot clearly show the "streched-effect" as we wanted :(

You could manipulate the location of the points on the surface with a graph mapper or attractors or image sampler.

i will try it, thank you very much






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