
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


first I want to explain my question. I have an digital image, which I want a pattern of it by creating lines in a specific rectangular. 

The dimension of the image and the regtangular is 3:4. 

The boundary of each  side is divided by several points. So the endpoints of the lines which should create the pattern shell cross these points.

In the attachment there is an example of what I want to create.

It would be great if anybody can help me


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Surely not an easy task. Seems to be very interesting but at the moment you better ask the artist ! 

Always good to have references of the work you want to copy 

Work from  Petros Vrellis

It is interesting to know that it requires 2 billion of calculations ! 

Hi Laurent,

thank you for your answer but Petros uses openframework as tool, and it's much more complicated then gh.

I hope someone has a solution for this in gh.


Knitting is done by hand, with step-by-step instructions dictated by a computer.

Until I watched the video and read that page, I didn't realize that the gray tones and "fade to black" effect around the face is all achieved by threads.  3000 to 4000 lines, by hand!  Wow.  Gives me an idea for a different approach though... :)

Was this originally done as drawing by hand, without following any pre-computed pattern?

I thought of connecting all the edge points to each other, filtering out the lines more than a certain distance from any of the defined points.  Line density is defined by the 'Count' slider at top-left (the number of points along each edge).  This model defines four points: left and right eyes, nose and mouth:

I used the following image, cropped from the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer:

Cropped and brought into Rhino using PictureFrame command, then referenced in GH as 'Geo' param:


I am there now. it is quite long  now, I don't know well Bitmap optimization in C#. It was more simple than I thought. I will optimize it. Less than 100 lines of C# !  

wow! it looks awesome!


I am here now, 20 minutes calculations. It begins to look at something !

The process is super simple. Draw a white line on an image. At the end of the line test all lines from the end to another point on the border of the circle (it could be a rectangle). Take the line that brighten the more the image. Repeat (here 400). See left image what is becoming the right image. 

Right Image from  Danny Santos

Looking very good!  I don't quite follow your description of the algorithm though?

Clearly, the base image must show ONLY the face, nothing distracting around it.  The hair does that in this image you chose, but the one I used (for example) would work better if all but the face were masked to black.

Thanks Joseph, that's awesome

I have another question.

How is it possible to define the grey tones of the image if the image is black-white? 






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