
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Create circuit like line pattern passing (random?)points in a Hex grid

HI everyone

Is there a way to connect points in the hex grid to create the similar effect in the image attached? I separated the outer and inside points, and the logic is pairs of outer points will be randomly selected to be the started and the end and the line will be pass through the (random? but dont want them to "turn back" to the direction they came from) inside points but i don't know which components/ways will be the best to create this effect

Thank you guys

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Something like this ?


Playing with gene pool instead of panels !

Wow, that is very interesting ! nerver seen that before. but where is the gene pool connected to? And is it using a grid or something else?

Gene pool are slider they remplace the panels yellow
They allow to easily change the indices of point you want on hexagon. There are seven indices on hexagon curve because 2 ends points are the same. Gene pool/panel allow you to choose what connection you want, vertical, right, bottom..:
So use gene pool as an integer slider with a maximum of 6.

Thank you! Although is not what I want but i think it is very useful, as dont know how to random connect the dots and line. And i know what kind of problem i will get in the future:)

I want to make a circuit like pattern so I dont want any line going back and forth, the img above is the rules I think need to add from your solution, my current idea is using split tree for separating the 4 "walls", but i am not sure how to restrict the direction of the lines. Also do you have idea on how to create more "longer/straighter" line instead of a bunch of short zigzag line?

I understand that it is not exactly what you want, I forgot the middle point you can add it easily to the list. As I use shortest walk I think there no possibilities to suppress the go back. But there are other graph tool like Spider.






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