
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to model the paneling of a roof shell. The roof shell curves in two directions, but the paneling curves in one direction only. I've subdivided the surface on the length of the shell, and now I'd like to take the subdivided surfaces and flatten the curvature in one direction only (so that each subdivided surface is developable, ribbon-like surface). Is this possible? 


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You want to unroll surfaces?
There are many components that do this, but do not always work. In the file I added a python component (can not remember the author).


Thanks for your response. Sorry for being somewhat unclear. Rather than unroll each subsurface, I want to maintain the "arch" curvature while flattening the more subtle curvature that occurs on the long dimension of the shell. I am envisioning arches that look like the below - essentially a planar rectangle curved in one direction to create an arch. Is this clear?

These individual arches would then be titled to achieve the subtle curvature on the long direction of the shell. 






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