
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everybody,

I've been experimenting with a 3D voronoi logic that I am using for a studio project. I began by populating a box with points and then adding attractor points to add variation to the structure. Since this is an architecture studio project I needed to make the voronoi somehow livable so I managed to place floors (surfaces which intersect with each cell) in every cell of the voronoi structure so that each cell has its own unique floor. The problem I am having is that the points (the original 3D point population), which determine the voronoi structure are also linked to the floor surfaces as I oriented these to the same point population. So my question is, how do I create individual surfaces inside the voronoi cells, not linked to the same points so I can adjust the height of each surface so as to not get awkward spaces in some of the cells? Any advice on how to do this is much appreciated.



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Maybe not what you're after, but by having a small number of points in the original (random?) population and then duplicating them vertically before feeding them into the 3dvoronoi, you will get a lot of vertical surfaces.


Thanks for the reply Ola,

That seems like a good solution but, yes you are right I'm looking for more control. I played around with the logic a bit more and I came up with something pretty messy but it works for now. I duplicated the points and created a plane on each point and then intersected it with the appropriate voronoi cell. Now I can adjust each plane without breaking the original voronoi.

It is very messy though so I will have to refine it. I'll attach where I am at now, feel free to correct me on any mistakes I made, I just started using grasshopper a month ago.

but is voronoi really the answer? Seems design of a real arch piece should have more substance then "I picked a voronoi because its there to use" Just a thought. Anyway have you tried contouring the cells?

Hey Michael,

I chose a voronoi structure based off of a term's worth of process work, not because it was readily available, there is some thought behind it. But not, I have not tried contouring the cells, thanks for the tip. I just posted my new solution, feel free to correct me on any mistakes. 


sorry I forgot to post the new logic 

Could you post the gh and the 3dm files as well?

Did you move all the duplicated points the same distance?


I moved all the duplicated points to give the floor slab a thickness.



Use list logic, no need for all that copy paste. Also, I think there is some bug with plane brep intersection as there always seems to be some flipped curve. 


Hey, thanks for the help! Ill post the finished project later on.


As Michael says, use list logic. If you want to position the floors intuitively, you could use my def with lots of sliders. A better way would perhaps be to find a way of calculating the floor position, so that it will adjust according to the individual cells if you need to change them.

Also, the lofting between the plane/brep intersections could fail for different reasons, you might want to try make floor boxes and do a brep/brep intersection instead.



Intersecting the cells with boxes instead of planes is a way better idea, thanks a lot! 

The next step is to make an organic skeletal structure for the building out of the voronoi using a combination of GH and Weaverbird (to smooth out the joints). Ill keep you posted.

Thanks again,


Gene list is a good supplement for many sliders.






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