
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Quick fix bug here I'm sure.  Working with a control knob and noticed the following behavior with the "decimals" setting (which should be setting the # of decimals precision to the right of the decimal point correct?):

a) Set value in edit window, effect on range and value settings looks good.  But once I press okay, it has no effect on the knob's output or displayed value.

b) When I go back to the knob's edit window the value is always set back to 2.


     - B -

Views: 1359

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Hi Brian,

yup, I'll see about getting it fixed for the next release.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Finally got around to it, next release will have decimal control for the Dial.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

2 more IDEAS for the rotating knob:

a) Set starting angle of knob (0-360 degrees)

This would be nice for aligning the arrow of the knob at exactly the same angle as the rotating geometry it controls

b) clockwise vs anti-clockwise

Useful for synchronizing rotation with direction of controlled geometry


I have the same issue as Brian...

Happy to see that bug fixed soon! When's the next release coming?

Currently (9.0014) I am still unable to change the number of decimal places...  Is that still a known issue? 

Thx,  --Mitch

Yes, it is, do hope it is fix in the next up-date 0.90050.

Hope you are doing GREAT Mitch, was so nice talking to you!


It has been fixed in 0.9.0050.

(it's also already visible in the Version History, though I don't blame you for not digging through a hundred lines of fine print.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

it still doesn't work for me and I'm running 64 bit rhino 5 and grasshopper 0.9.0014

It has been fixed in 0.9.0050.

Unless you have 0.9.0050, it will not be fixed yet.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

ok so I assume version 0.9.0050 will be available for download soon!!!

Yes, I'm done writing it, there have been 2 testing rounds but we're still trying to find a potential bug with the new installer.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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