
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I need a little help trying to get a diagrid structure which is continuous.

By continuous I mean that the diamonds are not shifting when they get around a corner or something. I have two situations for my graduation project where this problem appears. (I simplified the files btw)

1. I divided a curved surface into curves at a fixed height (planes), between every two lines one diamond has to be created. My question is, how can I do this? How can I achieve that between the two lines a diamond is created, but also that the top/bottom point is the same as the next diamond so that the diamond flow continuously over the surface.

2. I made a shape with a lot of planes, I create a diagrid structure on the planes, so far it is working. The problem is, the diagrid is not continuous. At the edges of the planes the diagrids are not properly aligned or not "continuous". How can I change this?

I hope someone is able to help me with my graduation project!

Thanks in advance!


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the other files


Hi Maria, 

I am not sure if this is what you are referring to, but here is a quick definition with an aligned triangular grid. Let me know exactly what you are after if this is not it. 


Hi Erik!

Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it! I want to use a diagrid structure, I don't know if this is also possible?

What I want is a diagrid façade with 6 fixed sizes of diagrids (the openness per diagrid differs). So that a dynamic pattern can be applied. The main thing is that the diagrid at the edges of the surfaces are shifting or that the sizes are not the same.

I tried apllying it to the building form I am creating, but when I do that, it is not looking right, and it seems that they are not continuing by the edges.So maybe you can take a look at what I am doing wrong?

Another question, I divided a curved surface into horizontal pieces/curves so that between every "floor" a structure with one diamond can be applied. The files of this are above this. I don't know if you know how to achieve this!

Thanks again for your help! I need it for my graduation project!

Looking forward to your reply!


Hi Maria, 

It seems from the images you have sent, that you are attempting to subdivide a 'trimmed' surface since the original 'untrimmed' surface is still visible from the pattern. This means that unless the surfaces are rebuilt into untrimmed versions, the pattern will be need to be trimmed at the edges of the surface which is why the pattern is changing at the edges I think (if I understand correctly).

Do you want the pattern to flow with the surface? 

As far as using a Diagrid, yes, that is possible; but, I wont' be able to test it until later or tomorrow. 

Also, using differently sized panels is not difficult either. You can either have 6 scaled values and randomly apply the scaling or you can go a more complex route using unique index values controlled with an attractor. 

Try creating 'untrimmed surfaces' using loft or networksrf in Rhino. It is easier to do with 4 edges. Your bottom surface has many more so that may not be possible. 

Hope this helps. I will try and have a look later or tomorrow. 

Hi Erik!

THanks again for your reaction and your help!
I Will take a look at the trimmed/untrimmed surfaces, tHanks for the info.

Yes, i want the pattern to flow along the multiple surfaces. And so that the edges of the diagrid are not shifting. They are continuïng over the edges of the different surfaces. So where one diamond stops, another one continious with the same edge. I hope you are able to help me with This?

I have been working with attractor lines myself, the definition is attached by the original question. And i think that is the best way to get a "dynamic" pattern on the surface where the diagrids are more open by the attractor line. But it is not working perfectly right Now so help is appreciated :)

I hope you are willing to help me further with This, i really appreciate your help!

THanks in advance!

I opened your file and do not see the geometry that is posted in your latest image. Can you upload the latest version? Is it possible to adjust the number of sides of the surfaces to maintain an untrimmed surface? Might be difficult to line up the multiple surfaces otherwise. 


I attached the files again, I hope you can open them now?

It is not really possible to adjust the number of sides of the surfaces, because I want the shape of the building to be the same. I hope you are still able to work with it?

edit: maybe it is possible to divide the surfaces with more then four points into two surfaces with four points?

Thanks again for helping me!


Hi Maria, 

Here is an example of a diagrid aligned on untrimmed surfaces. I made some new surfaces that are on top of your trimmed surfaces to show the alignment. Actually your surface with four edges was easy to make into a valid surface. The attached definition is very simple, but you can expand it and use a trim component to address the edges that are not adjoining. 

Hope this helps. 




I tried to do it with the model, but it is still not working. I flattened the surfaces, and divided them into 4 edged surfaces. But it still looks like this:







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