
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi every one

I have a double skin kinetic facade and I am trying to model that in honey bee ... I made two separate zones ...first: my room....and second: the zone between two skin.

Now I want to model this zones to energy analyses in honey bee.

But I don't know with witch component I can add kinetic skin to analyze?? Windows Shade generator or which one???

I can,t find appropriate tutorial to kinetic facade simulation.



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Check out this example file, which shows how to model a dynamically shaded + ventilated double skin facade:

You are correct that you should use the window shade generator to assign the dynamic shading on the interior of the double-minded zone.


thanks Cris

I saw this example...this is helpful...but my facade isn't simple blind.

my facade's modules are a little complex

  I can't use "Windows Shade Generator" component....right?

You probably want to use the "screen" option on the Window Shade Generator, then. You should coordinate the open area of your kinetic facade with the open area of the screen.

but amount and direction of openings effect on the speed and direction of wind

my purpose is kinetic facade design to increase of air flow in the zone

I want to find best amount of opening On different days of year based on my purpose.


To model the changes from ventilating the double skin cavity, you want to use the Honeybee_Set EP Airflow as the example file shows. I don't know what your control strategy is for the pening/closing of the facade but you can keep the shade control and ventilation control linked by applying the same schedule to both.

thank you so much Chris

but I think I can't explain What I mean

my kinetic facade is not simple shade like that the example you defined shade as simple blind with "Windows shade generator" component.

but I can do this. because I have different shades.

now I want to find appropriate component instead "windows shade generator"


Who can give me answer?

I am waiting.


Hi Moein, 

Refer to your email as your case study is near of mine, Chris & Mostafa helped me to finish my study & to understand that half of your solution is to understand what you need to get as an output so you will know the inputs needed. 


first, you need to upload your facade gh file with your question so they can understand your problem and help you. 

second, as Chris said to you just need energy plus component plugged to Honeybee_Set EP Airflow as input with the zone you need to study & you will get the air flow rate within the results ( that what I have done ), but if you need to get air flow simulation you will need CFD tool.

here's my case study discussion, I hope it will help you.



The art of making a good energy model is know what to abstract and what to model in detail.  This discussion shows you all of the possible ways that you can model a shade in E+/HB:

My guess is that you probably don't want to do the last (most detailed and time intensive on) one if you can avoid it but there are ways of trying to account for really detailed geometry if you absolutely have to model it in full detail.

Really thanks Chris and Mona


I exactly read your statement in that discussion

You say that I have two ways to simulation custom geometry shades:

1: shades made of materials with a high heat capacity/resistance

2:  geometries that I will have to write custom IDF text and connect it to the additionalStrings of the RunSimulation component

the material of my facade is wood and distance of two skin (fixed skin and kinetic skin) is 60cm.


I attach my GH file that I connect my facade as context surface

could you check that?please

it need to IDF text or it is correct?

so thanks



I think before running the simulation you need to clarify what are you trying to understand from this analysis. Are you looking to figure out the airflow pattern inside the space based on the details of the facade? or are you trying to realize the relationship between the air-change and the energy consumption inside the room. For the former you need to run a CFD analysis and for the latter you should to simplify your model as all the small pieces in the facade just adds to the time of the calculation.






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