
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I´m trying to connect two surfaces smoothly as illustrated in the attached figure. There is a component to connect two lines smothly, by using "interpolate (Intcrv)", I was wondering if there are something similar to that for surfaces or if anybody know how to do this.. Plz help !

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Cool it worked :)!
I looked at your C# script, but didn't understand what was going on..

but thanks for taking the time to do it anyway!!

...didn't understand what was going on...

That makes 2 of us, he he (BTW: I had this already, and about 20 "similar" things that do domes simple like this one or ... other).

Back to topic:

1. Imagine something (C# or components) that does a planer periodic nurbs - any shape imaginable in fact (shown a humble "figure of 8").

2. Imagine a capability (C# only: sorry) to create a "guide" (indicative/intermediate) surface. Basically: patch the nurbs from step 1 against a variety of user controlled curves/points/cats/dogs/you name it.

3. Imagine doing this U/v quad mesh thingy (we can fill the "gaps" [C# only: sorry] with the base boundary easily - especially when triangulating the mesh -  but better work as shown):

4. Imagine calling the cavalry (Kangaroo) and instructing to do ... things on that "normalized" mesh.

5. What things? Well ... like equalize edges, "inflate", planarize the quads (extra WOW stuff that one), pull it against the "guide" surface [from step 2] or some other weird ideas of mine.

this is what V2 does (WIP).

more soon

Nice, that helped a bit :)

Do you know how to get the gaussian curvature on the surface? I tried but it doesn't  work.

Hmm's all about the right mapping of ... er ... hmm ... this to that, he he


BTW: With regard the other question of yours: surface and Brep (= polysurface as "one thing") are not exactly the same animals.

Is that therefore I can't do it for the model attached ??


Here's the puzzle of the day for you (load Rhino file first):

1. the first thing decomposes your brep (into "pieces") ...

2. ... and then the other combo does what it does (but does it?  he he)


It doesn't work, it only takes the middle portion into account

But of course it doesn't , he he > what's missing?

Appears that it's time for the V3 (that does it all - no kidding)... just allow me some minutes to add something "different" for you ...

More gates/filters to get you occupied up to nest XMas

best, Peter


Damn, I thought there would be a simpler way to do it.. Something similar to: . The only thing missing to do it this way, is the brep should be a surface...






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