
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I got pretty confused tonight with the way Lists work.


Here is a simple example of my problem:


I have a line, I divided it into segments, then used the segment points as a center for polygons. Now that I have the polygons, I want to divide them into the first polygon or (the second, or the last one) and the rest polygons. But there I got confused as the "item" component does not work here, in the same way like it would work when I am extracting the data from a classic list.


What I am trying to say is that: I though that the fact that I have a couple of polygons, means that I have some sort of a list of polygons, and there for that I can extract each of those polygons from that list, as I would extract the classical data (number) from a list - by using a "Item" component. But it seems I am wrong.


Can somebody explain this to me?


Thank you.



Views: 246


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You are correct from your verbal description that you want to be using [List Item] but in your screenshoot you're using [Item Index]...


[Item Index] is returning a -1 value (False) because nothing matches the "0" input.

you are right. I am apologizing.






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