
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i'm having a trouble with my rhino project- I've created a complicated curve (made out of many points- each one has a different coordinate) and i'm trying to make a surface out of it so i can work on it with grasshopper..

i don't know why but the patch command has worked partially- the surface is pixelated and does not reach to the boundaries)

can someone help me understand what am i not doing wrong?

or suggest another command i can use to create the surface?

a picture of what i'm trying to do more or less is attached also 

thank you very much :) 

Views: 1793


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I haven't the reply to your first question. For the second I think you must look at the video about the design of the pavillon. "THEVERYMANY, Argeles, Mesh Pleated Inflation". I am not an expert of this way of modelisation (first time today) but it is named funicular. 

Almost 2 ways 

1) Kangarooo from Daniel Piker , see example


I propose you a script, far from the real one but could help you to build a surface like you want, a smooth one. The real is not like that it has a lot of V shapes.

1) draw on XY plane the main lines of the structure 

2) draw surface with rhino with corner points. Always with the same way in order to have U and V aligned correctly.


3) extract fixed edges with rhino (yellow here) put them on a specific layer

4) F10 => select all control point except edges moves them upper (z > 0)

I gave you an example far from perfect at this time. It uses kangaroo. Open rhino first followed by GH script.

Ways to improve :

In real shapes begin in zigzag. 

Surface must be added to kangaroo, surely through mesh... play with goals of Kangaroo ... 


thank you :) i will try what you've suggested 

A script with surfaces


thanks - i did something else in the end- split the complex geometry to little parts and than use "edge surf" command to make the surfaces... there is a little problem with surfaces that "sit" on each other and with the smoothness of the shape in general but i'm sure i will figure it out

thank you for all your help :)

could you please bake the result?

i'm having trouble seeing the result as it's shown in your picture

 thank you :)

I will do it tonight
It is normal that you didn't get the same thing. The 3dm I send is incomplete
I didn't join the last 3dm
If you can't wait You could do it easily if you follow the procedure I gave.

it would be great if you will do it in your spare time :) thank you very much i will appreciate that :)

Here is the 3dm (a bit heavy !)

there are just the inputs for the GH script.


can't see the attachment...sorry for the burden I'm causing you :|

got it thank you very much for all your help ! :)

It was more than 5Mo, no problem to send it by email. 

I think if you want to add you coral you can triangulate the shape you have (meshmachine) followed by a dual mesh like that






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