
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Guys, 

Not sure if this is easy or not. I had found a discussion on how to do this last week but cannot find it again. 

I basically want to combine different list as shown in the image below to get everything together in one so I can use in a txt Tag

Any ideas on how to do this. 

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The panel at the top contains a single Item consisting of 4 elements.

The middle panel has a single item, a point

The bottom panel has 3 items, each a number.

When you say you want to combine them do you want each "element" to be a single Item or a single item for ALL elements. See Below

0. 20

1. 30

2. 59

3. 60

4. {9,45,29}

5. 0.0

6. 3.0

7. 6.0


0. 20 30 59 60 {9,45,29} 0.0 3.0 6.0

Hey Danny 

I managed it by using this thread below

and just using a VB script to collect and inputs into 1 ITEM

As I wanted to Text tag a Point with certain information (see below) I wanted all the input streams to form 1 ITEM in the end. So it is like you show in the first option (above), but as one ITEM with Several Elements


Is that kind of Clear? Is there a better way to do it (instead of the VB script?)

Thanks for your response,


As the panels show each data has different structure so that you have to deal with them before you combining them. In your case you can simply [Flatten] all of them first. Then the [Merge] component will do the job.

Thanks Furion,

I tried that before. The problem with that is that when you 3D text tag the list after merged it overlays the list items when displayed. Thats why combining them in one ITEM (VB script) was needed after the merge (see above)

Thanks for the response eitherway,


Hmmm, I guess that's because the text tag component wants a multi-line string input while the merge output is a list of single line data. Yea that will make the text tag show everything in the list at the same spot.

So, you can use [Join string] component and connect the join character with a panel containing just an enter. Should work. See also here:

Ah nice. 

Also works, and is must simpler. 

(by the way - join string is now called text join?










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