
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I have 3 trees with 8 branches each.

First tree has 1 item per branch.

Second tree has 4 items per branch.

Third tree has 1 item per branch.

I need to combine these three into one so that I have 1 tree with 8 branches and 6 items each. 

Weave kinda does it but it order the point wrong as it puts 1 item from each tree and then the remaining 3 items from the middle tree last.

Thank for any help.

Views: 2280


Replies to This Discussion

Why don't you unify your three tree branch level by "Simplify" or whatever...?


Hey Hyungsoo,

Thank you, but I am afraid it only seems to work for that specific example.

I need to replicate that in many parts, to then interpolate the points. But its not working, even though the tree structure is pretty similar.

I leave the full def and a picture showing the problem.


There's no solution that automatically solves your problem that you've created. You always have to look at the content case by case.

Keep in mind that if you run a "Divide Curve", the branch level will be one step higher than the "End Point".

If you know that in advance it will be helpful.  In most cases, you can use "Shift Path" to adjust the branch level.


Will definitely keep that in mind from now on, thank you so much!


Is this what you are looking for? Just grafted two of the data trees and plugged it all into a Merge node.

Thomas Holth







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