
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

A have a simple question about sorting values and points.
I have two lists (coming from the same csv file) the one "List a" contains points along the x-axis (also negativ x axis) , the other one "List b" along the y-axis( also negativ y axis).
Now I wanted every point from the List A along each point point from the y axis.

I thougnt I can simple construct the points but it needs long time and crashes my computer, the data inside contains 6000 items.
Does anybody have an idea and would help me ?

would be awsome !!!!
Thank you !

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6,000 points in the grid (~77 in X by ~77 in Y)?  Or ~3,000 points in X and ~3,000 points in Y (9 million total!)?

Posting code saves so much time and effort... sigh.

Iam sorry for that !

attached Screenshots


Still no code?  But it looks like 6602 points in each direction?  43.5 million points total?

Don't bother, my machine would crash too with that many points!

P.S.  The second (bottom) 'Pt' component for Y should be hidden.




V3 - not using 'Move':


Dear Joseph,

Thank you so much for Your affort and for your time. I really appreciate that.  

Concerning the data. I am new in scripting and my aim at the end is to draw a polyline trough all points  for each Y Value and pick them by the y value. Am I on the right way ? or should I organise the data new or should I start with C#? reading the csv file, sorting the values, converting them to points, drawing a polyline through each value? Attached you will find the filtered file!!

Thank You !




Your data has many "<empty>" values, which explains the errors (red components).

You don't need C# for this.

This code can be greatly simplified by eliminating a bunch of components... esp. the pairs of useless 'Txt'/'Num' params.  Why use 'Pt2Num' (poorly named, should be 'Num2Pt') instead of just 'Pt (Construct Point)'?  I've never seen 'Neg' applied to a point before; makes more sense to me to use it on the point constructor input.  But none of these changes will affect the results in any way - performance, perhaps, but not the geometry.

my aim at the end is to draw a polyline trough all points  for each Y Value and pick them by the y value

I don't understand what you're trying to do?

Yeah the empty values are kind of placeholders because in the csv file are some empty columns. 

Ok Thank you for the suggestions. 

Yes I did so complicated because I had some problems by just using the construct point component. Mhm ok I just did it to get the two directions, perhaps stupid you are right I can also multiply it with -1. 

My aim is to create  profiles out of the values which I get out of the csv files.



Empty values are missing data, hence the errors.  Your description of "the problem" is still not clear to me, but ultimately, it looks like the usual trouble with data trees.

I started to putter and accidentally stumbled onto this:


oh thank you, if you put the values from the list item directly in the construct point component I had an error message that was the problem .. and I think iam yeah trouble with data trees . 

How would you work with the empties ? I tried from the beginning to clean the tree but they still exists. It isn´t really a missing data in that case of hight for example doesn´t exist a root radius .

Thank You!

It looks like that because of the missing other values I have to insert too.

The number of empty values in each branch is different, so even if 'Clean Tree' worked as expected, the variation between branches will cause problems.  As to why 'Clean Tree' fails, I don't know.  I got it to work by running the data through a 'Num' param first.

Where did you get the data?  That's where to start looking for problems.

Ok, I will also include the Num param first, the Data is an Excel sheet of profil values.






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