
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello There

I have this Surface that has some color info that i need to convert to a mesh with the color pattern embedded in. Any ideas?

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If you've assigned color values to a mesh you can bake the mesh and it will retain the applied color data.
That's is my problem. I have a surface with a gradient color that comes from the distance between the surface and an attractor point
How can I translate that gradient to a mesh. I'm able to convert the surface to a mesh but I'm not capable of giving that mesh the gradient  information
I've try the split rgb but I gives a black mesh
Any ideas 
Ah, OK.

I'm still not sure what final effect you're after but there are a couple options.

If you want each subsurface or face to be a unique color it might be best to work with surfaces and use ModeTools (or equivalent) to bakeColor.

If you want each subsurface (or mesh face) to have a unique gradient then you need to assign color to each vertex of each face.

Here's a couple examples:

Great Taz I'll give it a try. I think the solution with the mesh is what I'm looking for.

thank you

Thanks for all of your posts.

I am new to grasshopper and I am trying to use the CHROMAcolorOpt2 ghx file given by taz to color a mesh in rhino. I have set the mesh to my mesh object in the attached file and I set the pt to the point I have included. Is there something else I need to do to make it change color? Are my scale or my computer settings off?

I am using GH Build .8 and rhino 4.0 SR8

Hey Alexis,

There are two thing to make it visible and able to change. The gradient component needs to have points on it, similar to a slider, so that it can change as you move the slider. And the preview cylinder needs to be checked so you can see what grasshopper is creating real time.

Hopefully this helps. Good luck Have fun







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