
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,
I am trying to get advice on how to apply a color gradient to a topo surface. The purpose of the gradient is to show the vertical changes on the surface model. So is it possible? If you know how please help.........

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Surfaces can only be given a single colour. Technically Rhino can display them with textures as well, but Grasshopper neither has the functionality to draw bitmaps or apply textures to surfaces, so that would require either custom code or some plugin.

You can however assign unique colours to all the vertices of a mesh. So if you convert your surface to a mesh, you can display any gradient you want.

How do I convert a surface to a mesh? And how would I be able to do the coloring? Sorry I am still learning rhino and grasshopper.....

Just connect directly <srf> to <mesh>..

Or you can customizing with various components.. ex: Mesh Surface (UV)

Any value you want to use can be converted to gradient..







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