
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all

i'm trying to build up a definition to "fill" a planar space with a bunch of different shapes.

with kangaroo I can work only with meshes, segments and points, polysurfaces are only usable as anchored input, but not as editable geometry... if i'm not wrong...

and also all tools work pretty much only with meshes....


I started by converting the original shape, made by a simple perimeter, to a mesh...

then I tried to keep the meshes as "rigid" as possible, with strong springs and planarizing tools...

then I tried to make all meshes attract each others with the "pulltomesh" component;

but the meshes can overlap! I need a way to keep shapes separated, with like a collision, making "tangent" intersections....


the "collidemesh" component should be good, but its not working for me in a 2d definition...


what I need to reach is something like this:

any ideas?  XD

every answer much appreciated!... thanks in advance (and sorry for my bad English)

Views: 846

Replies to This Discussion

Is it actually ellipsoids you want to collide ?

There's quite a bit written about this topic:

but as you can see - it's not trivial to do it algebraically.

A quick hack that I think might work quite well would be to join together a number of spheres of different radii for each ellipse...

Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately I have no clue to how use that level of math... XD

What did you mean with the solution with spheres?

You mean with kangaroo?

Thank again






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