
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have run into the need desire in a few instances to have optional inputs for Clusters or User Objects.  99% of the time I imagine the logic of the definition can be re-worked so that this will not be an issue, however that is not always the most practical fix to the problem. 

By default the Cluster will throw a warning and not produce output values if an input receives a 'No Value'.  Is there any reason the cluster cannot stay orange, but go ahead and output the functions it actually solves?

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Yes!!! seconded. Note: workaround is to pass a null value into the optional input. But this is hardly the way things ought to work.

+1 here!

Got a similar problem here. I tried to define a gate inside the cluster, so if I do not provide a second input it will take the first one.

works inside the cluster, but not from the outside. Kind of strange.

Additional Wish: Create Set will work on Paths.







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