
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Clusters - Can't drag wires from certain outputs, even if wires are already connected to the same output


I've inherited a script from a now former coworker, and whilst trying to edit and update it to new numbers, I've run into a roadblocking cluster problem.

The cluster works, but a few of the cluster outputs, once outside the cluster on the main canvas, don't allow me to do any actions involving wires.

I cannot add, subtract or move lines to another input (Ctrl + Shift + Left Click method).

Most of the other outputs allow me full functionality, these don't.

  • The output is carrying the result of a number (a mass addition, run through a panel, run through a cluster output).
  • I've tried creating a new cluster output from the panel, to no avail.
  • I've tried creating a new cluster output from before the panel, at the mass addition, and had some success.

HOWEVER, this misses the point that the original output (via the panel) has worked before, and still has lines successfully outputting data.

I'm ideally after one of these two fixes:

  • A reason and cure for the cluster's sudden disability, as it's only certain outputs! The cluster functions correctly otherwise.
  • I create a new replacement cluster output via either the mass addition component or the panel component, and i'm able to simply ctrl+shift+left click the wires down to the replacement output, saving me literal days on a massive and very messy script.

Without the wires' functionality, the manual process of replacing the connections is untenable.

I've attached a file which shows the links that can be connect and those that can't.

In the image I've attached, I've made sure to attach a wire to every output that can accept a wire.

Anyone have any idea?



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Looking into it right after I figure out the bug with internalizing geometry.

Thanks David.

You've got a nice program in Grasshopper, haven't forgotten to be grateful for all the other stuff that it's currently being awesome at!

Hi David,

Are there any updates regarding this problem?

This project is rearing its head again and i'm wondering whether to try to salvage this file and method.


Sorry no, and I won't be able to look into it for at least a week as I'm on the road.

There's a pretty big pile of bugs right now that need adressing, mostly because I've been working on other projects for the past few months. Hopefully most serious issues will eventually be fixed and made available through Rhino6 releases. I doubt there will be another GH release for Rhino5.

Hey Dave,

First of all, nice handle.

I'm afraid you can't pass panel data into or out of a cluster. As you noted, you also can't noodle swap (ctrl+shift+left mouse). Maybe the fact that you have some legacy wires still working indicates that this was possible in earlier versions of Gh.

To make matters worse, once cluster input/output object types are defined they can't be changed by rewiring the original nodes within the cluster guts.

That is, unless you create an entirely new input or output node within the cluster. Be careful when doing this - depending on what you're editing, you could decimate wire connections across the canvas which, I assure you, is no picnic.

Best practice is to always run data from input nodes, and data into output nodes, through generic object type parameters to ensure proper interpretation when clustering. I also sometimes place pre-clustered node chunks into a container file in case I ever want to go back to the original nodes for editing and re-clustering.

Hope this clears up the odd cluster behavior, even if it doesn't solve your problem. If not, let me know.

Also, David, no more Gh for Rhino 5? Just dropping that bomb in the middle of an obscure forum post haha?

Friendly bump ... I'm sure your hands are full with that pile of bugs ;)

Brian, your work-around to build new input/output nodes within the cluster, along with passing the in and out data through object param's was helpful in a pinch - thanks for sharing. 






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