
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I've been trying out clusters for the first time with 0.8.0004. Should I even be trying? I can not seem to get them to work, is the workflow described anywhere?


Best regards,


- Björn

Views: 3954

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Hi Julian,
Thank you for the reply.

I found the "cluster input/output" parameters, thank you.
But I did not succeed in creating a cluster.
Can you take a look at what am I doing wrong, please?

Here is the preview:

1) I want to create a cluster out of two components - Divide curve and Circle.

2) I plugged in/out the "cluster input/output" parameters, and selected the Divide curve and Circle components.

3) Edit -> Cluster selection

4) I unplugged the "cluster input/output" parameters, and plugged in the "curve" parameter, number slider, and "data" parameter, at the end. But as you can see, nothing happens.

Where am I wrong?

Thank you.


3) then 2)

First edit->cluster the selected components you want to cluster, then double click the newly created cluster and inside the cluster edit window use the input/output parameters.

I am not sure I understand you Systemiq.

How can I do 3) first and then 2), when I need to have something (some component) from which I will create a cluster.
Image 2) shows components, from which I am making a cluster (image 3) )

Also here is what I get when I double left click on that newly created cluster:

There is not input/output parameters inside that window.
Just information about Name, description, author, icon...

Weird, actually the method you use is working for me too.

Are you using the latest GH ?

Try right clicking your cluster, choose edit and see if the inputs/outputs are correctly set inthere.

EDIT: I can see you use 0.8, I don't exactly remember now, but selecting the components, cluster them, edit the cluster (right click) and set input/outputs there should work.

Hm, the problem may be with my grasshopper version (I am still using the 0.8.0066)

This is the context menu I get when I right click on cluster:

What do you mean by: "edit the cluster"?

Sorry for disturbance.

i think the problem is that you dont select the cluster input and outputs as you create the cluster.. (as i can see in image 3)

you need to select your components as well as "those arrows" and then create the cluster

what should happen is: you original components and the "arrows" disappear and instead you get the cluster component

I did not know that.
Thank you for the reply.

So I need to select like this:


But take a look what happens after I click on "Edit -> Cluster selection":

What is the problem?

thats how it should be.. now ytou can connect any input and likewise connect the cluster output to another component

I see. It's working now.

So the proof that it's the fact that these input wires are starting from the canvas beginning.

Thank you Julian.

Btw, can tens and tens (the whole definition) of components and parameters be merged into one cluster?






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