
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all , 

I'm trying to use climate change weather files ( EPW files ) which generated by ccworld generation 1.8 tool  with honey bee energy modeling , but when I imported the 2020 epw weather file as example the E+ ran its calculations but I had no results . 

I got that warning : 

1. No surface information was found in the imported .eio file adjacent to the .csv _resultFileAddress.Data cannot be normalized by surface area and the data tree outputs for surface data will not be grafted by zone.

attached the cc weather file for Cairo  

thank you 

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Hi Mona,

There have been some known issues with epw files generated with CC World Gen.  See this discussion:

There seem to be a lot of weird bugs in the excel file such that it outputs this weird set of question marks that I see in your file:

My inference is that EnergyPlus is not running correctly because of this.  What does the report out of the "Run Energy Simulation" component say in your case?

Someone really needs to write a new version of CC World Gen that is in an actual computer language.  I might attempt this if there are no updates on the project after a half-year or so.


Chris- ? are actually fine. If you open any other .epw file you will see similar column. The issue is probably in some other place. I can import the file with Ladybug with no issue.

Mona- What is exactly the issue? Can you run the analysis with no issues?

- Mostapha

Chris! Just ran a quick test. The issue looks to be in the header for sizing periods if you want to take a closer look.

Hi Mostapha , 

I didn't get what do you mean by the Issue ? 

Mostapha , I'm trying to simulate the thermal comfort for my case study by using the current weather file & 2020, 2050 CC files , I did it by Ecotect and had results but need to do it by Honey bee as the building facade is responsive to the change in the outside temperature . that's a small brief 

& Thank you for your fast reply :)

hi Chris , 

I was watching your honey bee energy simulation videos and try to apply & understand more about honey bee energy simulation outputs , so I tried the EPW file of energy plus website & I got a results but the CC generated file gave me this  comment :

No surface information was found in the imported .eio file adjacent to the .csv _resultFileAddress.Data cannot be normalized by surface area and the data tree outputs for surface data will not be grafted by zone.

attached the file which I'm learning in it's not for a specific case study 

& all researchers will appreciate your efforts in solving the CC generated weather files to be more accurate :)  so go on 

Ah. Sorry for the confusion with the "?". It seems that the problem is because of something I put in the last release. I will try to fix this soon. Mona, to be clear about the issue, your EnergyPlus simulation is not running correctly because the weather file has no extreme weeks that are used to size the HVAC system. The issue is not with the surface result reader even though I know that is where you are seeing the error. I will report back soon with the fix.


Ok.  I have fixed the issue.  I wish there was a better way to deal with this but I had to address the issue by parsing the input EPW file, which adds an extra second or two to the Run Simulation component but there is really no way to address this issue without it.

Then, based on whether there is a sizing period in the weather file or not, I either take the weather file sizing periods (if they are there) or I take the entire months of the period with the coldest and warmest temperature to size the system.  The latter happens in your case.

Please find the attached working file.



Thanks Chris! Well done.

I haven't checked the source but I assume you only need to parse the first few lines so it shouldn't take that long. Isn't that the case here?



Yes, that is the case and I am realizing that it did not add as much time to the component run as I initially thought.


Hi Chris & Mostapha , 

sorry for late reply , The weather file for climate change worked so thank you Chris so much :) .  I still have a problem with the kinetic facade , I want to make energy simulation for the whole building to test the performance of the facade , I need to engage the facade with the building zones I tried to do this and defined it as hpsrfs and defined the open area as a window hpsrfs but when connecting it with the energy model some parts of the opening  hpsrfs  disappear . I dont know if I defined it with a correct method or not !!!!

Please  find attached the file .....

note : the energy simulation I copied it from another file for testing I think It's not perfect for my case as I got  unconvincing results . 

waiting for your reply 

Thank you 



Did you try to use Honeybee EP Context surfaces?






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