
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm working ( fighting ) with a definition where I have to use circleTTT component, but is giving me error mesages and I'm unable to come to know from where this error comes.
I'm giving 26 A B C curves, and I expect to get 26 circles, but I'm getting 78 results, I use the cullpt to remove the duplicate ones and then I'm getting 26 points and use them to apply again the circlettt, and this time works,,,,, I get the 26 circles.
I'm trying to make the same proces for another circles that I need and it does not work.

It is obvious that I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what exactly is and needs to undersand to keep going on with my definition.

Files attached, gh and rhino,



Views: 369


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Joan

Try this out, hope this helps!


oh, wow,,,,, hahahahaha,,,, I'm drooling right now looking at what you've done,,, I will need a week to understand all of that,,,,, or a year !!!.

Thanks so much Aditya !!

I wish one day I can make things like this without asking to the forum






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