
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Circle Proximities on Grid with Specific Radius Distances

Hi Have a very difficult problem, relating to grids, proximity and distances of circles on the grid.

I have up a huge grid of 3x3. (Total will be 120 x 240)

I want to specifically only allow circles of radius of 3, 6, 12 and 18 to randomly populate the grid.

Where each circle has a proximity distance of its own and if any circles overlap / pass in that distance they are Culled (removed).

The Proximity distances of the circles are:

3 = 6

6 = 12

12 = 18

18 = 36

I want to Randomly populate the grid with the circles so that the rules are kept.

I really cant think how to go about this further from what I have done so far.

Any help is appreciated and if you need more info please ask.


[This relates to my university project where the distances are Meters on a grid, and the circles are the columns radius. I've added a quick sketch to try and explain the principle of what I am trying to do]

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Anyone please help?

Hi mark

Try this, hope this helps!


Hi Aditya

This is great and nearly what I am looking for. After playing with your file, I want to ask you,

If I want to simply it.... Instead of having a sphere of radius - I just have one circle of specific sizes (3, 6, 12, 18) that creates NO overlapping circles - what would I need to do?

Also Is it also possible to add some control points at specific points? (In the corners)

I have attached a sketch. I am thinking that these points will be structure between floors, and therefore I will always need points in the corners.

I hope you can help!

Hi Mark
Firstly does the definition works fine on your system or is missing a few components? In case you are missing components you need to re install lunch box( I have used the sort unique values component from it).
Now if you only want the proximity circles just delete the first circle component. The definition negates all overlapping circles.
Also just cull the pointsthat you think are stationery using equality component and then cull pattern the new list. I will take sometime in making the changes as I m writing my thesis prelude.
Hope this helps

Hi Sorry but it seems to be responding how it should now, Thank you. I really would like to know though if its possible to set limits to the number of circle sizes. For example

Max Circle size 3 =25

max circle size 6 = 12

max circle size 12 = 10

max circle size 18 = 6

Please help

Thanks again






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