
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone !
sorry for may ask same question again  , but I cannot found solution how to fix it .
the target is to make limit border of shape for circle paking  .
I add some button  to script , which I load from  blog , for make possibly use different  diametr of circle . now it can paking , and each circle stop when reach border of surface by it's center.
but I would like to make  circle stop when reach border of surface by it's outline .
is it possible to do something in this script , for it work as I need ?help%20002.3dm


Views: 13772

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maybe need to use this way ?
same you make in Interactive optimizations  ?
and after use interpolate curve throuth  6 points   ?
6 triangles make 6 pointes  and one point in centr .

how to do it ?

Hi Dmitry, Sorry I've been busy and haven't replied sooner, but thanks for all the suggestions and feedback. I can see there is some real potential here for making a specialized pave tool in Kangaroo.

The discussion here:

has some more information about circle packings, including an example definition. This is for turning a triangulation into a compact circle packing.

For actually generating the triangulation, I think it will be good to use the remeshing approach shown here:

(this tool isn't in the currently released version of Kangaroo, but will be in the next one)

Ideally though, I think I can combine the 2 so the remeshing and circle packing happen simultaneously, and with a set number of different radii...

Here's a little experiment with remeshing then circle-packing optimization. There's still a fairly large variation of radii here, but I think if the remeshing/circle-packing can be done simultaneously then that can be improved a lot.

(original 3d face model from here)

Daniel you are genius ,  you made it !
I will wait impatiently a new release of kangaroo ,
I think it will be a great tools , which make life easy and happy !
thanks a lot and good luck !

is it possible test it right now or only in new kangaroo ?
if possible , upload please test algoritm some where

I think if it have big variation of diametr it is not bad , the some time stone also not calibrate and have +/-  size gradient , should make selection ,  by stone setter checking diametr of hole in metal , or folow remeshing/circle-packing algorithm :-)

Hi Daniel, This is an incredible work! I just download Grasshopper and Kangaroo last week and I am looking to do something exactly like this on a Surface or Polysurface. I manage to combine CirclePackonSurface + RADii but the result far behind.  
How can I control the space between the circles, control the sizes of the circles but let the definition decide the quantity?

Thank you very much







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