
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi yall

I have searched the forum but have found no answer. I have a quite simple task to achieve: I would like to "circle pack" the facade building according to the silhouette of a tree, or some other image. Anyone knows a simple way to do that? Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards


PS: It's pretty much exactly what the images below describe actually.

reference image


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Using the closest point on the cell boundary will guarantee non-overlapping circles:


Now I've found I think all the elements composing your example.

But I'm still not there.

What I liked about the original image reference was the continuity of perforation interrupted smoothly by the shape of the leaf vein. With the method you described, it is hard to get this continuity because the Voronoi cells tend to show a randomness that is not as nice as the continuity i was looking for.

Anyway, when i found something I'll let everyone know, and eventually I'll post the GH def if it's not too messy.

Regards and thanks to all


Hi yall

I have another question regarding this GH def.

If I were to use it for actual laser cutting production, I would have to define a minimum distance between circles (so that there is at least that much material between them), and a maximum radius for the circles (for security reason, if this pattern was a handrail it would have to be made so that a kid can't get his head in the circular hole).

I tried several tools to do that but I must be doing something wrong because after the operation I get one single value instead of a relative value for each point of the original voronoi diagram used.

I hope my description was clear enough. Just in case someone has a clue, I join the GH def to this post.

Thanks for the help.



The GH file.


You can simply do it like this:

Hi! Can you share this definition please!

Hi Systemiq,

I find the Navions, shape packing definition simply fantastic. I kow it's not recent, but... anyway, is it possible that you upload the original GH file, please? I'm having some trouble in trying to decipher it from the jpg.

Many thanks,


With Anemone:

(I simply replaced Hoopsnake with anemone, rest of the definition is old and could use lot optimizations, this is just a trial and error method, with rotation and scaling, could take hours to achieve decent result, above image already took a few minutes)


Many thanks for sharing the solution and for your quick response.






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