
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Rayaan,

I'm having an issue with using CHS section in karambaIDEA. Whatever the karamba section size is the resulting section in IDEAstatica is a "Massive O Hollow" section. I've tried running your example file "KarambaIDEA_TestJoint" but this also has the same issue - see the attached image. Is this an issue on my end?

On a separate note, I've tried the new version of the plugin from 29-03-2021 but once I run either the "Create IDEA File" or the "Create and Calculate IDEA File" components I can no longer click anywhere on the GH canvas.



Views: 191


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I've been looking into this in greater detail, and I was incorrect in saying that the CHS section was not generated correctly in the example file.

The issue seems to be that only one section size is being output for CHS sections and then this gets applied to all CHS members.

I've attached an image of the joint that I'm working on. The central member is the correct size but the surrounding four members should all have a significantly smaller diameter. My GH script is also attached.


Hi Matt,

Good bug you have found.

Ill make work of it. 

In the meanwhile can you internalise the data in the containers?
That way I can fully reproduce your example.

Hi Matt,

This issue was due to the IDEA StatiCa API.

I shared it with their developers, and it will be fixed in the next patch of v21.







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