
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Hello everyone,

Thank you for this superb plugin! I have a few questions regarding its configuration, here they are in order:

  • I managed to import GIS vector data from a specific server. However, the datas were encoded in a different projection than Heron's. Is it possible to modify the projection system so that the geometries are displayed correctly?

  • Only 1000 objects are displayed out of several thousand. Is it possible to display all the objects contained in the layers?

  • Can someone provide me with more details on how to configure the boundary curve? Do the XY coordinates of the four corners of the boundary rectangle correspond to precise GPS coordinates in the WMS84 projection system?

Many thanks!


Views: 168


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Charles,

  • The latest version of Heron v.0.4.1 available in the PackageManager has the ability to set the projection system used by Heron with the SetSRS component.
  • Some REST services limit the number of Records they return per query in order to not become over-taxed.  The RESTVector component abides by these limits.  However, the GdalOgr2Ogr component allows for "paging" of the service so that you can download all the records within your boundary.  But keep in mind this may take some time. 

  • I would always set the EarthAnchorPoint first with SetEAP so that Rhino/Heron know where 0,0 is in the world.  Once you've done this, Heron will interpret the vertexes of the boundary into the coordinate system set with SetSRS (default is WGS84).



Hello Brian, thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me!

Is version 0.4.0 of Heron compatible with Mac OS? as I don't have access to a newer version than 0.3.2 through the package manager. I then attempted a manual installation via the Github zip file of version 0.4.0 by dragging the Heron folder into the GH components folder, seemed to work but most of the new components then resulted in an error, the resolution of which far exceeds my skills. Is there another installation method?

Thank you in advance!

Hi Charles,

Unfortunately, I've been focused on the PC side of development and haven't released a Mac version since 0.3.2.  I've been meaning to circle back to the Mac side, but it probably won't be soon.  







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