
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi again i post yesterday and i got a realy fast answer hope be lucky again

here is the trouble, i want to make te cut pattern of a autoportant structure but cant find the way to make grasshopper count the way i want, searching in the forum i think "Path mapper" is the key but really have no idea how it work.

gonna post some images and the definition.

this is how it count now

this is how i want it to count


Views: 721

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Javier,

Since you want to grouping it by their elevation, you can use [member index] to search specific index based from Z-value.


just foundt it ignore this reply plz

thank for the help ill try :D

ok i did it and if i understood well now i have the branches separate by elevation i dont know how u did it but i cant select the entire branch to modify xD

so stupid i am ignore again plz






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