
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

 Upon subdividing a directly produced quad mesh ( ) from a uniform Kangaroo 1 MeshMachine remesh, I noticed that little weave-ready ribbons appeared:

 Though the Mesh+ plug-in has a few "weave" components, they only make local loops between adjacent mesh faces.

So I did the bookeeping required to create little construction ellipses and little stubby start and end lines offset in and out from each mesh edge to allow a curve blend and then rail sweep of locally rescaled ellipses along those curves, with lots of control.

There are occasional tube self overlaps due to kinks that would require fixing in other software to 3D print the output.

Interestingly, the result is sometimes a single knot curve, more often a mere handful.

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Hey Nik,

did you try instant-meshes ( It's a free and open source quad remesher.



Great of them to include binaries, but having seen ZBrush suddenly dominate the quad remeshing field, I recall in horror the bizarre spirals that formed through holes in a bulk slab, and how things skewed in simply odd fashion. It was required to place guide curves but so many of them. Now guide curves just help crystallize a near perfect result. So much about quad remeshing is a black box. Here I compare $30K Geomagic Freeform to ZBrush ZRemesher combined with T-Splines and found that manual guide curves  still helped immensely:

The overall chess game must include how well T-Splines converts to NURBS. Quad meshing is merely a means to a NURBS end and the more regular it is the better the T-Splines black box can merge quads into big surfaces that are quadrangular but not "quads."


I have one question. What am i doing wrong because i can't see any pattern. Only the curves. Or do i need to use simple component - pipe? :)

I see that i have also one error.

Do you have any suggestions?




Ok. Now i see the button in the definition :) 






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