
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a lot of lines and I want a point where each line intersects another line. CCX only allows 2 curves, whats the simplest way to input any list of curves and receive all the intersection points? Thanks

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If you have a single list of 6 curves. You need to structure it whereby one curve is situated on a separate branch in list A {0} N=1 and all the other curves on a separate branch on list B {0} N=5. Then you need to reorder the list so that you can place the second curve on a separate branch on list A {1} N=1 and all the others on a separate Branch on List B {1} N=5 so on and so forth until the last curve is separated on list A {5} N=1 and the remainder on list B {5} N=5.


To do this create a series the length of the list and shift the list this many times with the wrap value set to true, then split the list at the the first index before going into CCX.


Thanks, seems like it could make for a useful component.

And if you dont want to test twice the intersections, or remove the duplicate points after :

(C-1, W=false)







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