
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm experiencing a strange canvas behavior that had not happened before. Every time I open grasshopper, whether it is a new gh file or a saved definition, I do not see the icons unless I zoom out. HOWEVER, once I zoom out and try to zoom in again, icons disappear, and I cannot really work like this as I am not able to read the icons nor connect/disconnect any wires. I have no idea why this is happening, but it's fairly recent and have not been able to find a solution.

I used to have the 'technicolor' grasshopper plug-in that allowed you to change the UI, but I've deleted the component and I've tried reinstalling grasshopper, and it did not fix the problem. See attached image.

Any help will be great!!


Views: 561


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My students have the same problem.

David do you have an idea how to fix it?


You can try and delete all settings, in case it's something to do with zoom-based display threshold. While Grasshopper is running, open up the settings folder (File->special Folders->Settings Folder). Then close down all Rhino instances.

You can now delete the grasshopper_gui.xml and grasshopper_kernel.xml files. The next time Grasshopper starts, it will recreate those files using factory default settings.

If that doesn't fix it, there's very little I can do unless this also fails on RhinoWIP. I can no longer release updates of Grasshopper for Rhino5 so any fixes would only possibly ever apply to the WIP.

that was helpfull back than thanks






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