
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys

I have this lines that i am trying to bundle using the bundling definition from Kangaroo. It seems though it isnt working...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to bundle them?

I have attached the files as well

Thank you


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here are the files


your file is not downloadable?

Your files are not downloadable, or at least not for me. By the look of it you need to graft the c from subCurve, flatten the force objects and stick the points from the curve division in geometry. this should do the trick. once u have that set u need to play with the plaw strength and so on until u get it right.

see attached


dear tudor,

can you show us how to manipulate the sqGrid,
best with multi attraction points?

that would be fine.

thanks in advance!


Please flatten all your inputs to kangaroo.

dear hannes,

i've tried to follow your instructions,

but nothing happened?

can you tell me, what is the problem?

except me ...



Intercconnect tends to get really heavy. normally you will only need attraction to the nearest nodes.

My changes to your def. are:

1) cull anchored points from interconnection cloud to reduce unnnecessary impact.

2) define a neagtive strength for pLaw. -> gives attraction forces.

3) heavily reduced pLaw strength (by about factor 300). default is 1000, which will cause lots of overshoot.

4) introduced cutoff to allow for multiple separate bundles


dear hannes,

thank you very much for your support.

this is very helpful for me.

i still allow myself one more question.

is there a possibility to affect the lines with attractors/pts.

similar like the def. from woojsung, but with kangaroo?

it would be great if you know a solution.

Attractors basically are pLaws acting between attrator points and all other particles.

So to include attractors, connect your attractor points to all other points and feed those to separate pLaw components. Hover over pLaw inputs to find out how to simulate attraction and repulsion.

dear hannes,

i'll try to implement it.
if you have a simple example for this problem,
i would of course very happy about it.

vielen dank!






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