
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All,

I am having trouble baking a surface. I have about 80 of these and they have all worked except for one!! I've tried everything I can think of - does anyone know if I am doing something wrong? Many thanks in advance

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First off, The beauty of GH is data trees. You should learn about them. You can do all your doing in one sequence via setting the brep component to set multiple. No need to copy and paste the entire definition for each surface. Once you do this it becomes more clear your error lies in offset curve on surface which is producing an invalid surface for that strip. I have not had time to investigate it as I am working but maybe that will help you find the problem. 

Hi Michael,

many thanks for your response - I guess this is where it all comes a bit undone for me, because I had initially started off exactly as you describe above. But when I do this, I don't get the same results as you - I attach an image of what I get. This is where my problem lies I guess - I'm clearly going very wrong somewhere but cannot identify it.  







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